Hey Everyone!
Jamison here. I wanted to take a second to thank everyone that stopped by the booth at Wizard World Chicago. We really enjoyed seeing and meeting everyone and felt like we got a really good reception from the comic book community. We made a big splash for a small publishing company. It was really fun, but Brian and I were plenty exhausted after it was all said and done. That is the reason for the lateness of this post… I actually just woke up from a recovery nap.
For those of you that weren’t able to make it, here is what you missed: A couple dozen Deadpools and TWO Antmans. And a crap load of nerd-women dressed as you favorite superhero and anime characters (See our Facebook gallery for more). It was also the first time that the entire creative team of Henchmen was able to gather under one roof. Ryan, Dave and myself were signing books furiously all weekend. The good news for our KickStarter backers is that the signed copies are done and in the mail. For Henchmen enthusiasts news is good, as it seems that we will be starting soon on Henchmen 2. We are really excited and seeing everyone that came out and watching Facebook and Twitter light up fueled that excitement even more. As always we will be sure to keep you updated as our future endeavors progress.
Thanks again,
Jamison, Writer/Creator of Henchmen.