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Dave Dorman

Update From Indy Pop Con

Indy Pop Con has arrived! Come by and visit our booth to meet Ryan Howe, pick up a limited edition copy of our next issue, prints, and other swag!

Get Henchmen on Comixology with 99 other awesome Independent Comics for $10

More News! We are happy and flattered to be included in Comixology’s list of top 100 independent books on their platform – If you have been waiting to add it to your Comixology account, now is the time to pick it and 99 other awesome books up for $10! This offer ends on March 10th at 11pm EST in North America and at local evening times in other regions, so click through and check it out!

Thank You, Wizard World Chicago

We want to take a second to thank everyone that stopped by the booth at Wizard World Chicago. We really enjoyed seeing and meeting everyone and felt like we got a really good reception from the comic book community. We made a big splash for a small publishing company. It was really fun, but…

Wish We Were There – San Diego Comic Con is Happening Now!

We all wish we could be at San Diego Comic Con this week, and so does Gary. Since we couldn’t make it, we are drowning our sorrows in coupon codes for anyone wanting to order copies of the book – click through for the coupon code! If you are at SDCC – let us know!

Dave Dorman’s Cover for Henchmen

We’ve been looking forward to sharing this with you guys for some time, and over the weekend Dave sent us the final scans of his cover. Here it is, we hope you love it as much as we do.