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Get To Know The Folks Behind Henchmen – 3 Questions with Jamison

Jamison (left) and Brian getting ready to watch an incredible film.
Jamison (left) and Brian getting ready to watch an incredible film.
  1. What’s your role in the creation of Henchmen?

    I am Jamison Raymond and I am the writer/creator of Henchmen.

  2. Why do you love comic books?

    I don’t know … why do birds fly? What makes the sky blue? I have just always loved comic books, since I read my first issue of Superman when I was 7 years old. I grew up watching super heroes on television: Spiderman, the Super Friends, Batman. Comics have always been a way to follow the story of those guys off the screen. Soon the books became the only part that mattered. I was at my comic shop, every Wednesday, filling my brown paper bag with my favorite super heroes. That’s why writing Henchmen is so exciting for me. I get to create my own world to play around in and write the stories that I always wanted to read.

  3. Who’s your favorite Henchmen character, and why?

    My favorite Henchman character is probably Gary. That’s why he’s the main character. He’s basically me. My dad started as the inspiration, but Gary is more like me. He is just an average guy who has a job he hates and a jerk for a boss. He’s a good guy and a smart guy. He feels really underappreciated. I try to imagine, if I were in his place, suddenly finding myself respected and good at what I do … could I talk myself into living a double life? That’s the first issue in a nutshell.

    I’m excited to get to work on the next issues. I have some other characters that I’m excited to explore in the future. I’m really excited that the readers will find out more about Gary’s daughter, Sam, and learn more about her. Crowbar and Weasel get more of the spotlight as well. And an entirely new character will be introduced. That should be a lot of fun.

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