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Henchmen Trade Paperback/Graphic Novel Kickstarter is Live!

Henchmen KickStarter

Hello hench-people! We are beyond excited to tell you that the Henchmen trade paperback Kickstarter is officially live! The project has an amazing video featuring an animated Gary (voiced by Jared Wade from Amalgam Podcast Network) and music by the amazing band Frodus.

Please back early and tell your friends – many of you know how Kickstarter works, but for those who don’t, your pledge will not be collected until the end of the campaign (Oct. 30th) and the more people you share this with, the higher likelihood we will be able to smash through our stretch goals and make the rewards even more amazing!

Speaking of stretch goals – we are honored and excited to have Henchmen prints from Darick Robertson, Jim Mahfood, Ryan Browne, Jeremiah Lambert, and many more as unlock-able stretch goals. If you back at the “Overlord” level you will receive these prints at no extra charge once we unlock these goals.

What are you waiting for – back now!

Henchmen: I, Henchbot & Other Stories Trade Paperback -- Kicktraq Mini

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