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Issue One

Wish We Were There – San Diego Comic Con is Happening Now!

We all wish we could be at San Diego Comic Con this week, and so does Gary. Since we couldn’t make it, we are drowning our sorrows in coupon codes for anyone wanting to order copies of the book – click through for the coupon code! If you are at SDCC – let us know!

Open For Business!

It’s time – starting today everyone on the internet can visit us at and buy a digital copy of Henchmen! Tell your friends!

Check Out Some of Our KickStarter Backers

We are nearly finished with issue one – we’ll be posting some updates next week letting everyone know when to expect books, but in the meantime we wanted to share some of these awesome production pieces. Each one of these strips features a KickStarter backer – see if you can pick out someone you know!